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You private safety

The alarm button SOS – satellite systems services

If you are threatened by something or somebody – just push the button on the remote unit and Pandora 5000 will notify your family and special services that you are in trouble and will provide them with current coordinates of your car

The help will come
Push the button Your family will get a message Will come to know your whereabouts

Now you may feel yourself safe under protection of the Pandora telemetry system in any situation

Automatic notifications*

If you have suffered a traffic accident, the Pandora 5000 system will notify your family and special services that you are in trouble and will provide them with the current coordinates of your car

It will register the event of an accident with precise time and coordinates in the infinite events history online at p-on.ru

* - Currently this option is in the mode of active testing. It is disabled on default and requires a separate activation. Check out the Pandora 5000 software updates at www.alarmtrade.ru